
Spotify Privacybeleid Ingangsdatum: 25 mei 2018 1 Inleiding 2 Over dit beleid 3 Uw rechten en voorkeuren: keuze en controle 4 Hoe verzamelen we uw persoonlijke gegevens? 5 Welke persoonlijke gegevens verzamelen wij van u? 6 Waarvoor gebruiken wij uw persoonlijke gegevens? 7 Delen van uw persoonlijke gegevens 8 Bewaren en verwijderen van gegevens 9 Overdracht naar andere landen 10 Koppelingen 11 Beveiliging van uw gegevens 12 Kinderen 13 Wijzigingen in dit privacybeleid …


Articulate Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy was last updated effective May 25, 2018. We are Articulate Global, Inc. (“Articulate”) of 244 5th Avenue, Suite 2960, New York, NY 10001, USA. All references to “we”, “us”, or “our” shall be construed to mean Articulate. When We Act as Controller and Processor Articulate will be acting as the “Controller” of the personal data you provide …


Medium Privacy Policy Effective Date: May 25, 2018 This policy explains what information we collect when you use Medium’s sites, services, mobile applications, products, and content (“Services”). It also has information about how we store, use, transfer, and delete that information. Our aim is not just to comply with privacy law. It’s to earn your trust. Information We Collect & How …

Guardian 360

PRIVACY- EN COOKIEBELEID PRIVACYVERKLARING   Identiteit Deze privacyverklaring wordt gebruikt door Guardian360 B.V., ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer 24350810, op de website en de Guardian360 apps in de Appstore en Playstore (hierna: website/apps).   Ons adres: Schouwburgplein 30-34 3012 CL Rotterdam   Ons telefoonnummer: +31 (0)88 225 15 00 Ons e-mailadres:   Algemeen Wij achten een zorgvuldige …


Privacy Policy Effective starting: May 25, 2018 (view archived versions) Key Changes What this policy covers Your privacy is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect, use, and share information about you. This policy is intended to help you understand: What information we collect about you How we use information we collect  How we share information …


CATAWIKI PRIVACYVERKLARING 117123150.249275284 Catawiki verwerkt persoonsgegevens van Gebruikers die ons Online Platform bezoeken en gebruik maken van onze Dienst. In deze Privacy Policy informeren wij u graag over welke gegevens wij verwerken en waarom. Catawiki B.V. is de verantwoordelijke met betrekking tot de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens. Lees deze informatie aandachtig door zodat u begrijpt hoe wij gegevens verwerken en …


Privacy Policy Last updated: March 6, 2018 Introduction Highsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. Any and all information collected is safeguarded according to the applicable legislation concerning personal data. This privacy policy provides information on how we handle your privacy rights and content ownership as well as all other information that is collected when using Highcharts Cloud. Information we …


Privacybeleid van Adobe Laatst bijgewerkt: 3 mei 2018 In het privacybeleid van Adobe worden de privacypraktijken van apps en websites van Adobe beschreven. Als u in Noord-Amerika woont, hebt u een relatie met Adobe Systems Incorporated (Adobe VS) en is de wetgeving van Californië en de Verenigde Staten van toepassing. Als u buiten Noord-Amerika woont, hebt u een relatie met …


Our Privacy Policy Last Updated: May 18, 2018 Buffer provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, protection, and disclosure of Personal Information received from your use of this website, located at (“Site”), as well as all related websites including our subdomains at and, applications, browser extensions, and other services provided by us (collectively, …

Product- en Privacybeleid Privacy Beleid Beleid Klantengegevens Domeinverloopbeleid behandelingsproces klantenservice Misbruik Speciale voorwaarden voor de individuele top level domeinen Privacy Beleid Waarom Privacy van onze Klanten voor belangrijk is Het recht van de klant op privacy is van groot belang voor Wanneer een klant persoonlijke gegevens doorgeeft aan, stelt de klant vertrouwen in het vermogen van …

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform Terms Data Processing and Security Terms (Customers) Last modified: 25 May 2018 | Previous Versions The customer agreeing to these terms (“Customer”), and Google LLC (formerly known as Google Inc.), Google Ireland Limited, Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., or any other entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Google LLC …


Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance We want to provide you with clear and complete information about which personal data the WPML plugin and site gather and how you can view and control its handling. On 25th May 2018, a new regulation comes into effect in the European Union, called General Data Protection Regulation. It provides strict and specific guidelines …


PRIVACY STATEMENT MEI 2018 TELE2 Tele2 gebruikt je persoonsgegevens en respecteert daarbij je privacy. Lees hieronder hoe dit gebeurt. Wie is Tele2? Tele2 is verantwoordelijk voor het gebruik van je persoonsgegevens. Tele2 bestaat uit Tele2 Nederland B.V., Tele2 Finance B.V. en Tele2 Retail B.V. Het adres van Tele2 is: Wisselwerking 58, 1112 XS, Diemen Je kunt contact opnemen met Tele2: …


InVision Privacy Policy EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 16, 2018 InVision commits to strong and transparent privacy practices. Our Privacy Policy explains: What Personal Data we collect and why we collect it How we use Personal Data Who we share Personal Data with The choices we offer, including how to access, update, and remove Personal Data Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. …


PRIVACYVERKLARING VAN CHEAPTICKETS.NL Dit is de privacyverklaring van In deze privacyverklaring leggen wij uit hoe wij jouw persoonsgegevens verzamelen en gebruiken. Voor het laatst bijgewerkt: mei 2018 Wanneer is deze privacyverklaring van toepassing? Wie is verantwoordelijk voor je gegevens? Welke gegevens verzamelen wij en hoe? Hoe gebruiken wij je gegevens? Welke derden hebben toegang tot je gegevens? Hoe beveiligen …


GitHub Privacy Statement Effective date: May 25, 2018 Thanks for entrusting GitHub with your source code, your projects, and your personal information. Holding onto your private information is a serious responsibility, and we want you to know how we’re handling it. The short version We only collect the information you choose to give us, and we process it with your consent, …


Privacy policy Aidsfonds (“wij”) hecht veel belang aan de bescherming van jouw persoonsgegevens. Wij verwerken je gegevens met de grootst mogelijke zorg en uitsluitend conform de privacywetgeving. In deze privacy policy kun je lezen hoe wij jouw persoonsgegevens verwerken. Wij hebben de verwerking van persoonsgegevens gemeld in het openbaar register van de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onder meldingsnummer 1457464. Ook houden wij …


Stack Exchange, Inc. Privacy Policy INTRODUCTION The Stack Overflow Network (also referred to herein as “Stack Overflow” or “Network”) is a set of related Internet sites and other applications for questions and answers, owned and operated by Stack Exchange, Inc. (“Stack Overflow”, “we” or “us”), a Delaware corporation. Stack Overflow welcomes you to the Network, the largest community of developers …


Privacy Notice The Privacy Notice was last updated on 24th May, 2018. Table of Contents Changes to our Privacy Notice 1. Who is the Personal Information collector 2. What Personal Information we collect about you and how we collect it 3. How we use the Personal Information 4. How and with whom we share the Personal Information we collect 5. …

Western Digital

PRIVACYVERKLARING Laatst gewijzigd: 1 Mei 2018 In deze Privacyverklaring wordt uitgelegd hoe Western Digital (“Western Digital”, “wij”. “ons” of “onze”) uw gegevens verzamelt, gebruikt en vrijgeeft. De Privacyverklaring is van toepassingen op alle diensten en producten, behalve voor producten met een aparte privacyverklaring. Waar van toepassing, geeft u toestemming voor het gebruik van uw gegevens zoals beschreven in deze Privacyverklaring telkens …


Privacy Policy Welcome to Envato’s Privacy Policy Hi there, we’re Envato Pty Ltd (ABN 11 119 159 741) of Level 1, 121 King Street Melbourne, 3000, Australia (“Envato”) and welcome to our privacy policy. This policy sets out how we handle your personal information if you’re an Envato user or visitor to our Sites. It applies across Envato Elements, Envato …


Flickr Privacy Policy Date of Last Revision: April 20, 2018 FLICKR USERS: As of April 19, 2018, Fantastic Fox, Inc. has acquired Flickr. This Privacy Policy will apply to information collected through your use of the Services including information that was transferred to us in the acquisition. SmugMug has no control over and no responsibility for any use of your …


HubSpot Privacy Policy Last Modified: May 21, 2018 We at HubSpot (HubSpot, Inc. and our affiliates) are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to both our Websites (,,,,,, and and our Subscription Service (the Subscription Service), including our associated mobile applications (Mobile Apps) owned and controlled by HubSpot. This Privacy Policy governs our …


Privacy Policy As of July 10th, 2013 IFTTT Inc. (“IFTTT”) takes the private nature of your personal information very seriously. This Privacy Policy describes how we treat the information we collect when you visit and use the IFTTT website located at (the “Site”) and the services offered by IFTTT (the Site, Mobile Apps, and services referred to as the …


Privacy statement Dit privacy statement is van toepassing op het gebruik van persoonsgegevens door Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij Centrale Zorgverzekeraars groep (hierna te noemen: CZ) voor uitvoering van de zorgverzekering (“basisverzekering”) en de aanvullende ziektekostenverzekering. CZ gaat zorgvuldig om met uw persoonsgegevens en wil u in dit statement uitleg geven over het gebruik van uw persoonsgegevens. Omdat zorgverzekeraars het belangrijk vinden dat …


Privacy policy Vier privacy promises We verzamelen het liefst zo min mogelijk gegevens van je. Toch is dat soms nodig, om bijvoorbeeld je bestelling te leveren of om te peilen wat je van een nieuwe productpagina vindt. TransIP behandelt je gegevens zorgvuldig en zorgt ervoor dat je privacy gewaarborgd blijft. Daarom geven we je deze vier privacy promises mee: Je …


THIS PRIVACY POLICY: explains what information from users we collect, use, disclose and maintain and how we use it. applies to the website and all products and services offered by Email List Verify. INFORMATION WE COLLECT We may collect information in the following ways: Personal identification information in a variety of ways. We may register when Users visit our site, …


EP01 – Fing Privacy Policy Version: 1.2 – 2018 05 15 1. THE FING PRIVACY POLICY Fing (“we”, “our”, or “us”), are part of a group of companies whose main legal entity is Fing Limited (collectively, “Fing”). We will collect and use information obtained via the Fing Mobile Application (the “App”) and our hardware addon Fingbox (altogether the Fing” Services”) …


Privacy policy(platform) Revue Holding B.V. (“Revue”; “we”), situated in The Netherlands provides services to the users of our platform and subscribers (“you”). Our services include activities relating to providing a tool that allows writers and publishers to create and send out newsletters, as well as other services (“the Services”). We process personal data during the undertaking of these Services. Revue …


Privacy Policy PRIVACY & COOKIE VERKLARING In deze privacyverklaring wordt namens Ageras N.V. toegelicht hoe wij (“wij” of “Ageras”) met de persoonsgegevens die u geeft als u onze website (de “Website”) gebruikt omgaan en hoe wij met het gebruik van cookies omgaan. Ageras verzamelt persoonsgegevens wanneer u als Cliënt of als Aanbieder of overige relatie van Ageras van onze dienstverlening …


Privacy Policy which is how any data is treated… Uptime Robot (a service by Uptime Robot Service Provider Ltd.) operates several websites including, and It is Uptime Robot’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our websites. What This Policy Covers This Privacy Policy applies to information that we collect about you when you use: …

Privacy Notice It’s simple – you own your data At, we understand that we have a responsibility to look after your data and to protect and respect your privacy. The app does not require a user to register in order to use the application and therefore, by default, a user’s personally identifiable information (name, email address etc.) are not known by …

Privacy Policy Written by Team Member Updated this week Updated: May 21, 2018 General We at, Inc., d/b/a (“we,” “our” or “us”) very much respect your privacy, are committed to protecting it and want you to be informed about the ways we protect, use and share the information that we collect. This Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) serves to inform …


PRIVACY POLICY Last Updated: May 25, 2018 Linden Research, Inc., Linden Research International, Inc., Linden Research UK, Ltd., Tilia Inc., and Tilia Branch UK Ltd.  (collectively “Linden Lab”) respect the privacy of its online visitors and users of its websites, products and services, including communication services, (collectively, the “Services”). We recognize the importance of protecting information collected from our users …


Privacy Privacybeleid Welkom bij op de site van Werken in Suriname onderdeel van 2Trust B.V. Wij nodigen u  uit om dit privacybeleid te lezen, waarin ons privacybeleid wordt beschreven en hoe wij omgaan met uw informatie. Het beschrijft de soorten informatie die verzameld en gecreëerd worden in verband met uw gebruik van de werken in Suriname website, hoe en waarom …

DZone Privacy Policy DZone is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to the web site at and all other affiliated sites and services (collectively, the “Site”). We are providing this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information that we collect and receive from you …


Privacy Policy Effective Date: May 25, 2018 We, Corp. (the “Company”), are aware of privacy issues that occur during the usage of products, services, and websites. Therefore we strictly follow the all data protection procedures regarding the full security of your personal information. Our privacy policy applies to: using the Company’s products and services, visiting the website, visiting …


Privacy statement Dit is ons volledige privacy statement. Ga voor een korte samenvatting en meer informatie over het inzien en wijzigen van jouw gegevens naar onze Privacypagina. 1. Het privacy statement van Knab In dit privacy statement kun je lezen welke gegevens Knab van je verwerkt en waarom. De indeling is als volgt: 1. Inleiding 2. Wanneer is dit privacy statement …


Privacy Policy About This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which LearnDash collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the website (“Site”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by LearnDash. For a summary of LearnDash and GDPR, please see this overview. What we collect and store Product Purchases When …


Privacy Notice Last updated 23 May 2018 This privacy notice tells you how we, Moodle PTY Ltd, will collect and use your personal data to provide our service which allows educators, of any kind, to create a private space online, filled with tools that easily create courses and activities, all optimised for collaborative learning. The Moodle software is free and …


Privacy verklaring en voorwaarden Versie 25 mei 2018 Met deze privacyverklaring wil Meer Democratie u graag informeren over welke (persoons)gegevens we voor welke doeleinden verzamelen en wat uw rechten zijn ten aanzien van onder meer het inzien, wijzigen en verwijderen van gegevens. Uw rechten Onder de geldende wetgeving – met name de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming – heeft u een aantal …




Privacy Onze belofte Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited (gegevensverantwoordelijke voor de EU) en onze verbonden ondernemingen (“Samsung”, “we/wij”, “ons”, “onze”) weten hoe belangrijk privacy is voor onze klanten en we streven ernaar duidelijk te zijn in hoe we uw persoonsgegevens verzamelen, gebruiken, bekendmaken, verzenden en opslaan. Dit privacybeleid is van toepassing op alle apparaten, websites klantendienstplatforms of …


Privacybeleidsovereenkomst          Valve respects the privacy of its online visitors and customers of its products and services and complies with applicable laws for the protection of your privacy, including, without limitation, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Swiss and EU Privacy Shield Frameworks. 1. Definitions Wherever we talk about Personal Data below, we mean any information …


Intego Privacy Policy Intego is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the data of its clients, associates, suppliers, and website visitors. We want you to understand how we collect and use information from our website so you can interact with Intego with confidence. By using Intego’s website (“Site”) you accept and agree to the practices this Privacy Policy …


Home / privacy Privacy Statement Een zorgvuldige omgang met persoonsgegevens is voor het COC van groot belang. Persoonlijke gegevens worden dan ook zorgvuldig verwerkt en beveiligd. Hierbij houden wij ons aan de wet en regelgeving op het gebied van de bescherming van persoonsgegevens, zoals de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens en – met ingang van 25 mei 2018 – de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming …


Home Privacy policy Privacy policy May, 2018 The website located at and, including any of their subdomains or section (known from now on as the “Website”) is operated by Graphic Resources, S.L. (known from now on as “Freepik”), with their registered office at Molina Lario street, 13, fifth floor, 29015, Malaga, Spain. The present Privacy and Cookies Policy regulates the treatment …


SMARTBEAR TERMS OF USE The SmartBear Hosted Services Terms of Use, which are applicable to any Hosted Services (as defined below), and the SmartBear On-Premise License Terms of Use, which are applicable to any On-Premise licenses (as defined below), together with the SmartBear Data Processing Addendum and the SmartBear Privacy Policy, is a legal agreement between You and SmartBear (as defined below) that governs your …

Other World Computing

DATA PRIVACY POLICY NOTICE This Data Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to all websites and mobile applications owned and operated by Other World Computing, Inc., its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates (“OWC”), including, but not limited to,,,, and (collectively the “Site”). Our Commitment to Privacy Purpose of Privacy Policy The Way We Use Information Publicly Displayed …


Privacy Policy Effective date: May 25, 2018   Torpedo Farm Limited, with registered seat at 22 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, corporation tax no. 3278952QH (“Torpedo Farm Limited”, “us”, “we”, or “our”) operates the website (the “Service”) and offers products listed on this website (the “Products”). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure …


Legal Privacy Policy Effective May 23, 2018 View the prior version of our privacy policy (last updated November 1, 2017) here. MailChimp takes data privacy seriously. This privacy policy explains who we are, how we collect, share and use Personal Information, and how you can exercise your privacy rights. We recommend that you read this privacy policy in full to ensure …

Privacy policy Effective date: May 25th, 2018 This Privacy Statement (the “Privacy Statement”) is provided by: Video Communication Services AS (“”/”we”) Gate 1 no. 101, 6700 Måløy, Norway Business organization number NO 918470573 Introduction This policy describes what information we collect when you use’s sites, services, mobile applications, products, and content (“Services”). It also provides information about how we …


SAP Privacy Statement Protecting the individual’s privacy on the Internet is crucial to the future of Internet-based business and the move toward a true Internet economy. We have created this Privacy Statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to the individual`s right to data protection and privacy. This Privacy Statement outlines how we handle information that can be used to directly …


SPICEWORKS PRIVACY POLICY Last Updated: May 22, 2018 This Spiceworks Privacy Policy describes how Spiceworks Inc and its subsidiary group companies (together the “Spiceworks Group” or “we” or “us”) treat Personal Data that you provide or we collect when you use any of our services (listed below). Our service consists of (a) our website located at and, and any subdomains of thereof (collectively, …


Privacyverklaring Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (“wij”, “ons” of “het museum”) is een zelfstandige stichting zonder winstoogmerk, die de kunstcollectie namens de gemeente Rotterdam, vele schenkers en bruikleengevers beheert, behoudt en toont. We willen dat iedereen die ons bezoekt, onze diensten of producten afneemt en onze website bekijkt de beste ervaring bieden. Om dat te kunnen doen verwerken wij persoonsgegevens. Welke …


JetBrains Privacy Policy VERSION 2.0, LAST UPDATED: MAY 18TH, 2018 In this Privacy Policy, we describe the type of data, including personal data (collectively, “data”), that we and our associated companies collect from you when you use JetBrains Websites and certain JetBrains products and services as described in this Privacy Policy (collectively, our “services”), how we and our associated companies …


Privacy policy INTRODUCTION This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit or make a purchase from (the “Site”). It also provides information about individuals’ rights. PERSONAL DATA WE COLLECT Order information When you make a purchase or attempt to make a purchase through the Site, we collect certain information from you, …


PRIVACY STATEMENT  De Persgroep Nederland B.V. (gevestigd en kantoorhoudende te (1018 LL) Amsterdam aan de Jacob Bontiusplaats 9, hierna: “de Persgroep”) is uitgever van onder meer het AD, de Volkskrant, Trouw, Het Parool, Brabants Dagblad, ED, Tubantia, BN DeStem, PZC, de Stentor, de Gelderlander en diverse regionale weekkranten. Daarnaast heeft de Persgroep een aantal online services waaronder,,, …

Easy Noisecontrol

Privacyverklaring EASY Noise Control B.V. Via onze webwinkel worden privacygevoelige gegevens oftewel persoonsgegevens verwerkt. EASY Noise Control B.V. acht een zorgvuldige omgang met persoonsgegevens van groot belang. Persoonlijke gegevens worden door ons dan ook zorgvuldig verwerkt en beveiligd. Bij onze verwerking houden wij ons aan de eisen die de privacywetgeving stelt. Dat betekent onder andere dat: wij duidelijk vermelden met welke doeleinden wij persoonsgegevens …


Privacy policy Frontify AG and its subsidiary Frontify Deutschland GmbH (“Frontify”, “we”) are committed to handling information responsibly and in compliance with applicable privacy and data protection laws. Frontify is a technology company and provides a brand management software as a service (“Services”) to private and enterprise customers. Frontify operates several websites including (“Sites”). We only collect personal information required to: …


Privacy Policy When using you may be asked to share some of your personal information. This is required in order for us to provide you with the highest quality of services. Whenever you share your personal information, we make sure that it is processed in accordance with applicable law and to the highest standard of care and safety. You …


Privacy Policy At Aggregage (“Aggregage” or “We” or “Us”), we are committed to protecting your privacy. We firmly believe that electronic security and privacy are necessary for the continued success of the Internet. In support of this, we only use the personally identifiable information (“personal information” or “personal data”) that you provide in accordance with the terms outlined below. This …

Authy (Twilio)

Last Updated May 7, 2018 Authy App Privacy Notice Effective Date May 25, 2018 (To view the prior version of our privacy statement, go here.) SUMMARY Welcome to Authy! As a courtesy, below is a quick summary of our privacy practices when you use the Authy desktop or mobile app. The full version can be found by scrolling down. The full version …


PRIVACY Gegevens worden in geen enkel geval automatisch opgeslagen, tenzij je deze gegevens expliciet aan ons communiceert. Je deelt persoonsgegevens met ons als je klant bij ons bent of als je contact met ons hebt. Denk aan je naam, je telefoonnummer of je e-mailadres. Maar ook het IP-adres van je computer of een bestelling. Het gaat om alle gegevens die …


Privacy statement FD Mediagroep FD Mediagroep B.V., haar dochtermaatschappijen en aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen (hierna: ‘wij’) verwerken persoonsgegevens. Graag informeren wij u hier duidelijk en transparant over. In dit privacy statement beantwoorden wij de belangrijkste vragen over de verwerking van persoonsgegevens door FD Mediagroep. Daarbij geven wij voorbeelden om deze uitleg zo duidelijk mogelijk te laten zijn. Heeft u vragen …


Privacy Laatst gewijzigd: 17 mei 2018, 11.21 uur We willen u een fijne reis bieden en ervoor zorgen dat u gebruik kunt maken van een reisproduct dat het beste bij u past. Dat kan een abonnement zijn, of een e-ticket. Hiervoor hebben we uw persoonsgegevens nodig. We vinden uw privacy heel belangrijk, daarom gaan we zorgvuldig met uw persoonsgegevens om. …


Artbees Privacy Policy Hi there! we’re Artbees Yazilim of Fulya Mahallesi, Mevlüt Pehlivan Sok. Erdoğanlar İş Merkezi No: 14 Kat5, 34394, Şişli, İstanbul, Republic of Turkeyand welcome to our privacy policy. This policy sets out how we handle your personal information if you’re an Artbees Themes user or visitor to our Sites. This Privacy Policy applies to websites, apps, events and …


Disclaimer & privacy Privacyverklaring & Gebruiksvoorwaarden 9292| REISinformatiegroep Algemeen 9292 | REISinformatiegroep B.V. (hierna: “9292”) streeft ernaar diensten van een hoge kwaliteit te leveren, waarbij betrouwbaarheid en actualiteit belangrijke factoren zijn. 9292 stelt via haar websites, waaronder (‘Website’), informatie beschikbaar over de diensten die 9292 aanbiedt, waaronder een OV-reisplanner. Voor het gebruik van deze Website en mobiele applicaties gelden een aantal …

Vimeo Privacy Policy Last Updated: January 22, 2018 Vimeo, Inc. respects the privacy of our users and has developed this Privacy Policy to demonstrate its commitment to protecting your privacy. These privacy policies (the “Privacy Policy”) are intended to describe for you, as an individual who is a user of or any of our related sites, mobile and connected TV applications, …


PIKLIST Hello *|FNAME|*, You may have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), that comes into effect May 25, 2018. To help comply with GDPR consent requirements, we need to confirm that you would like to receive content from us. We hope that our content is useful to you. If you’d like to continue hearing from us, please …

World Community Grid

Online Privacy Statement This Statement is effective as of May 25, 2018. The previous version of our Online Privacy Statement is available here. Your privacy is important to IBM; maintaining your trust is paramount to us. This Statement discloses the information practices for the World Community Grid site (the “WCG Site” or “our website”), what type of information about our WCG …

Elegant Themes

Elegant Themes Privacy Policy Your privacy is important to us Purpose of the Privacy Policy. Elegant Themes, Inc. (“Elegant Themes”, “we” or “us”) is a WordPress Theme & Plugin company, which means we build web software that people (our “Clients”) can use to power their websites (our “Service”). People who run their websites on WordPress, or web development agencies that …


Privacy Policy Effective as of 25 May 2018 Your privacy is of the utmost importance at Devart. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect and manage your data. By using (the “Site”) and/or registering a TMetric User Account (using the Service), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. TMetric is designed and operated by …


Navicat’s GDPR Commitment Effective starting: May 25, 2018 On Friday, May 25, the European Union’s Gerneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), officially takes place. We take our customer’s privacy seriously and this document will explain how we handle your data. This document covers the information we collect about you when you use our products or services, or otherwise interact with us …


GDPR FAQ What personal data does Codecademy collect and store, and for what purposes? Codecademy collects the following data: Mandatory data – Codecademy collects your First Name, Email address, IP Address. This data is used in communications, user tracking, advertising, marketing and to derive product insights. Optional data – Codecademy also allows you to enter your gender, a username, avatar photo, and …