
Privacy Policy

When using tylko.com you may be asked to share some of your personal information. This is required in order for us to provide you with the highest quality of services. Whenever you share your personal information, we make sure that it is processed in accordance with applicable law and to the highest standard of care and safety.

You can also visit our website without providing any of your personaldata. Please note, however, that we do store so-called server logfiles, which may include the name of the file you have requested,date and time of access, amount of data transmitted and therequesting IP number. This data provides no personal informationand is only used to help us ensure trouble-free operation of the website and to improve our offer.

The basis and purpose of personal data processing

tylko.com processes your personal data in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “GDPR”). You can always contact us about your personal data at:
Custom Sp. z o. o.,
Mińska 25/63,
03-808 Warsaw,
+44 113 868 0195

Your personal data is processed within the scope necessary to accept and fulfil your order. As a result, we may need to share your personal data with third parties, such as storage or delivery companies, banks or online payment intermediaries, to the extent necessary to deliver our products or services. Where relevant, we will provide you with information on the processing of your personal data received from a third party.

In some instances, we may also be required to share your personal data with public authorities upon their substantiated, specific request.

Otherwise, we never share your personal data with any other third parties.

Consent for personal data processing

Upon your explicit consent we may use your personal data for marketing or advertising purposes. In particular, we may use your e-mail address to send you our newsletter.

You may withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data at any time and without incurring any additional costs. Simply e-mail us with your request at hello@tylko.com. Unless an order is pending or unless storing of your personal data is required for other legally justified purposes, we will immediately refrain from further processing your personal data. You can also unsubscribe from our newsletter by simply clicking “unsubscribe now” button in its footer.

You may always request information on the scope of your personal data that we process. Also, you can always update your personal data, have us block it temporarily or permanently delete it whenever you think we no longer need it.

More information regarding your data might be found in Terms and Conditions.

Personal data protection

We use technical and organizational measures to secure all personal data processed by tylko.com from loss, destruction or unauthorised access by third parties. We cannot, however, take responsibility for any unauthorized access to your personal data caused by security breaches that might happen in relation to your device, browser or your own negligence.

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. It furnishes us with information, generated with a cookie stored on your device (see above for more information), as to how you use our website. This means that information conveyed by a cookie stored on your device may be transmitted to Google, Inc. However, since the IP-anonymisation mechanism is active on this website, your IP address will be truncated within Member States of the European Union and your full IP address will only be provided to Google, Inc. in exceptional situations. Google Analytics helps us to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity and provides a number of other website and internet related services.

In order to avoid being subjected to Google Analytics, whenever visiting this website in the future, you can download and install a browser plug-in available here. http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de

As an alternative to browser-plugin you can also click this link, which will install an opt-out cookie file on your device. In order to delete it, you will need to click the link once again.

Use of Mixpanel

This Website and App uses Mixpanel, Inc. technology. This means that this website and app collects user data under anonymised profiles. This may involve cookies (see above for more information). These profiles are used to analyse visitor behaviour, as well as, to improve and tailor our offer. The data collected within a profile is not merged with the user’s personal data without their explicit, prior consent.

You can always opt-out from being subjected to the Mixpanel analytic tools by clicking this link and following the instructions: (https://mixpanel.com/help/questions/articles/can-i-exclude-myself-from-mixpanel-data).

Integration of the Trusted Shops Trustbadge

Following an order, the Trusted Shops Trustbadge is incorporated into this web page in order to display our Trusted Shops trustmark for buyers and the eventually collected reviews, as well as the Trusted Shops product offer.

In balancing the various interests, this serves to safeguard our legitimate prevailing interests in an optimised marketing of our offer. The trustbadge and the services advertised are an offer of Trusted Shops GmbH, Subbelrather Str. 15C, 50823 Köln.

Whenever a trustbadge is called up, the web server automatically stores a so-called server log file which contains, for example, your IP address, the date and time of retrieval, the data volume transferred and the requesting provider (access data), and documents the retrieval. This access data will not be evaluated and will be automatically overwritten seven days after your visit to the page.

Other personal information will only be transferred to Trusted Shops if you decide, after completing an order, to use Trusted Shops products or have already registered for their use. In this case, the contractual agreement between you and Trusted Shops applies.

What are cookie files?

By cookie files shall be understood all IT data, especially text files, stored in the end devices of users, aimed for using the websites. These files allow identification of the user’s device and properly display the website adjusted to his individual preferences. Cookie files usually contain the name of the website from which they come, time of storing them at the end device and unique number.

What do we use cookie files for?

Cookie files are used to adjust the content of the websites to user’s preferences and optimize using of internet websites. They are also used to create anonymous, aggregated statistics which help in understanding in what way the user uses websites, which allow to improve its structure and content, without personal identification of the user.

What cookie files do we use?

There are, generally, two types of cookie files in use – “session” and „persistent”. The first ones are temporary files which remain on the user’s device until logging out from the website or turning of the software (browser). “Persistent” files remain on the user’s device during the whole time set in the parameters of cookie files or until the moment of their manual deletion by the user.

Cookie files which are used by partners of website’s operator, in particular users of websites, are subjected to their own privacy policy.

Cookie files may be specifically divided basing on the following categories:

A. Types of cookie files depending on the necessity to perform service:
Necessary – are absolutely necessary for proper functioning of the website or functionalities from which the user wants to use

Functional – are important for the service:

  • they enhance functionalities of the service, without them the service will not operate properly, but it will not be adjusted to user’s preferences,
  • they grant high level of service functionality, without the settings inscribed on cookie file the level of functionality of service may lower, but it should not make impossible using the service,
  • they aim very important functionalities of the service, without them chosen functions will not operate properly.

Business – they allow the realization of business model on bases of which the website is shared, their blocking will not result in inaccessibility of the whole service functionality, but it may lower the level of service due to lack of possibility of implementing the revenue which subsidies working of service. In this category fall for instance advertisement cookies.

B. Depending on time for which the cookie file will be located on the user’s end device:
Season cookie files – cookie file located for time of using the browser (session), is deleted after its closing

Persistent cookie files – Is not deleted after closing of the browser and remains on the end device for specified amount of time or for unspecified amount depending on the settings of website owner

C. Depending on the origin – administrator of the service, which manages cookie files:
First party cookie files – cookie file located by the owner of the website which was visited

Third-party cookie files – cookie file located by external entities, whose components were activated by the website owner

Warning: cookie files may be activated by administrator using scripts, components located on partner’s servers, located in another localization – other country or even completely different legal system. In case of activating by the administrator the components coming from outside of administrator system there may be other standard cookie files policies than privacy / cookie files policy of the administrator of website.

D. Depending on their purpose:
Service configuration – allow for setting functions and services in the service

Security and reliability of service – allow for verifying the authenticity and optimization of service performance

Authentication – allow for informing when user is logged in, thanks to which the website may show proper information and functions

State of session – allow for encrypting information about the way users use the website. They may concern the most often used websites or communicates about errors showed on some websites. Cookie files used to encrypt the “state of session” allow for improving the service and enhance comfort of using websites.

Processes – allow for efficient operation of the website and its functions

Advertisements – allow for presenting advertisements which are more appealing to users and more valuable for advertisers and publishers, as well as to personalize advertisements, may also be used to present advertisements outside of website (domain)

Localization – allow for adjusting the information presented to the localization of the user

Analysis, research, audit of viewing – allow the owners of websites to better understand preferences of users and through analysis improve and develop products and services. Usually the website’s owner or research company collect anonymously information and processes data about trends without identifying personal data of particular users

E. Types of cookie files depending on their interference with user’s privacy:
Harmless – these are cookie files:

  • necessary for proper functioning of website
  • necessary to allow the functionalities of website, but their behavior doesn’t have anything to do with user tracking

Exploring – used for tracking users, but don’t cover information allowing for identification of particular user.

Do cookie files contain personal data?

Possible answer (depending on the company and adopted policy):
a) Personal data collected with using cookie files may be collected only in order to perform specific functions for the user. Such data are encrypted in a way which doesn’t allow for unauthorized access.
b) Cookie files are little text files send by visited website to the user’s device (computer, smartphone, etc.). They are used only to better adjust the website to users’ individual needs. They don’t contain any personal data.

How can cookie files be rejected/deleted?

There are two ways of uninstalling cookie files on the computer.
First way: In the browser settings it can be checked, what cookie files are installed on the computer and delete them one after another as presented on the taskbar, or all at once.

  • Browser Apple Safari: enter „Settings”, „Safari” and choose „Delete history and website data”;
  • Browser Google Chrome: in tab „Privacy” in menu „Settings”, choose „Content settings”, then „All cookies and website data” and „Delete all”;
  • Browser Internet Explorer: enter menu „Settings”, tab „Internet options”, then choose successively „General”, „Browsing history”, „Settings”, window „Temporary internet files and history settings” and at the end „Show files”;
  • Browser Mozilla Firefox: in menu „Tools”, choose tab „Options”, then „Privacy” and „Delete cookies”.

There is also an option of adjusting the internet browser in a way that it blocks cookie files or warns each time about their installation. Settings differ depending on the browser. Instructions relating to the cookie files can be found in menu “Help” of the browser. Behavior of browsers may be set separately on all devices used by You, on which You visit websites.

Detailed information regarding the changes of settings in different browsers may be found also at www.aboutcookies.org.